Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Exciting Month

Well, this past week I went to Phoenix, Arizona to attend Imaging USA (the annual Professional Photographers of America convention). Two of my prints in the Loan Collection were on display along with many other amazing images by gifted photographers around the world. It's always so inspiring to see such beautiful work! There is also a HUGE trade show where we photographers can keep up with the trends in the business and check out new products to offer our clients. Fun stuff! My husband and I had the opportunity to head up to Sedona where I was able to capture some images of the landscape there--amazing color!

The main reason I went to the convention this year is because I received my Master of Photography degree from PPA! Through education and competition, I have been working toward this degree for the past 4 years. It was a lot of hard work and tough love, but well worth the effort! I wanted to share the good news with all my clients, and below are some images from the awards night as well as some Sedona pics. =)

I hope everyone's year is starting out bright and I wish you lots of warm fuzzies during these cold months ahead. Hopefully, I will get to touch base with each of you this year.

My husband, Brent, and me after the Awards Ceremony. He is my biggest supporter and an amazing husband! I love you, babe!

Jim Churchill and me; he was my sponsor and is a gifted photographer from an area north of Muskegon.

My print "Ashes to Ashes" on display at the Kodak Gallery Elite Awards event. It was one of around 60 images from across the United States to receive the Kodak Gallery Award last year.

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